Luke 4:18
There are times when that something comes over you. You know those times. Pay attention. Let it fill you to overflowing. Allow it to move your pen to write. Open your mouth to say those words, at which you tremble. Pick up that brush to paint. Or sweep. But whatever that something moves you to do, let the Spirit take you.
To shake the foundations and make new worlds.
To break open new paradigms and design an unforeseen story.
To love. It will always move you to love.
When it comes it will drip slowly. Like oil. Running down the crown of your head leaving little droplets of sweet smelling perfume in the dust around you. Don’t wipe your brow. Let it fall. The place on which you stand is holy ground.
Sometimes that genius will find you in the midnight hour. Other times it will overtake you at the high point of the day when all eyes are on you. No matter. The time will always be right. I have learned not to be surprised that I’ve been chosen. We have all been chosen for love. The anointing was given at creation’s dawn. The oil always drips. Waiting for you, and for me, to stand under its flow.